Attraction, Intention, Allowance & Balance

Welcome! ~ Wave 11:11 is all ours since ~ We are ALL in this Together. Please read the 'About' section so you know why it was started. Basically it's about Unity, Awareness and Awakening the Consciousness to who you truly are and who you are not, while setting our intentions on Unconditional Love as the focal point.
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment" ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
This journey on "Earth School" is your dimensional life path to learn, grown and experience. When we honor and respect each other's paths, we live in harmony. For example, if someone would claim their "God" or belief is the only correct one, that would be advocating separation, not unity.
"Let's celebrate the message of Love - rather than the messengers" ~ Steven; "Harmony is easy once the need to be right has dissolved" ~ Tony Pinfold; ~ It is better to Love than to be right.
Be sure to check out the blog articles and the excellent videos, especially ∞ One Drum ∞
My personal daily "mantra" = a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that are considered capable of creating transformation: I am Love, united as One ...♥
Steven, admin.
